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Worldline will handle debit and credit card issuing and processing for ING across multiple countries, based on the signed agreement for multi-year period

31 ianuarie 2023

Worldline will support ING on handling their issuing processing in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Worldline, a global leader in payments services, announces the extension of a partnership with ING Bank N.V., the Dutch international bank. Worldline will handle debit and credit card issuing and processing for ING across multiple countries, based on the signed agreement for multi-year period.

Under the extended agreement, ING is outsourcing issuing processing operations to Worldline. Relying on its technology and know-how, Worldline will help ING focus on its core expertise, ultimately supporting the bank’s growth ambitions.

ING operates its card issuing business in multiple countries across the globe and outsources issuing services of their business. Outsourcing such services allows banks and other financial institutions to better focus on areas of their business that provide added value for their customers, lowering their operational costs and maximising resources.

„By partnering with Worldline, ING can rely on top-quality cards issuing services backed by state-of-the-art technology, lower operation costs and best-in-class capabilities. This allows ING to provide its customers an enhanced range of issuing solutions that are fully compliant with all regulations, on a local and global level.” – according to the press release.

Alessandro Baroni, Chief Business Divisions Officer & Deputy Head of Financial Services at Worldline, said: „ING and Worldline have been partners in various countries for over three decades. We are very proud that ING is not only prolonging this partnership but also extending the number of countries and services. By outsourcing card issuing processing services to us, ING can focus on creating value for their customers by re-inventing digital journeys. This agreement highlights Worldline’s unique position in being able to support banks in their outsourcing strategy. Not only the Netherlands, but across Europe – and beyond.”

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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?