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Worldline expands its instant payments offer and clearing & settlement mechanism in the Netherlands

27 septembrie 2022

DFM, a financing partner in the Netherlands for enterprises within the mobility sector, has chosen Worldline, a global leader in payment services, to be their Instant Payments and Clearing & Settlement mechanism partner. Following successful implementation within nine months of signing of this partnership, Worldline now handles Instant Payments and back-office processing services for DFM via its payment licence partner Volkswagen Bank, as part of a five-year contract.

Reducing complexity and lowering costs

DFM and its partner Volkswagen Bank use Worldline’s Instant Payments Clearing & Settlement mechanisms and Instant Payments back-office. The Instant Payments service is part of Worldline’s extensive and modular back-office processing product portfolio, which also handles other payment types such as SEPA, high-value and multi-currency payments. This modular EPC (European Payments Council) and PSD2 compliant portfolio can be used by any bank, large or small and can be implemented within nine months. This short time-to-market allows Worldline’s customers, such as DFM, to quickly reap the benefits of outsourcing and provide their end-customers with solid and future-proof solutions.

„Outsourcing back-office services stands as a viable solution for companies, including banks, seeking to introduce new operating models for their payments processing business while lowering costs, reducing complexity, and making better use of resources. By partnering with Worldline, companies like DFM can position themselves better strategically to respond to, and integrate with, accelerating digitalisation and evolving customer needs.” – the company says

Jeroen Notmeijer, Managing Director of DFM and Branch Manager of Volkswagen Bank: „Our industry requires us to work closely with our clients and react to their evolving finance requirements. With Worldline as our partner for processing Instant Payments, we value their flexibility and future-proof services that we can, in turn, use to better support our customers„.

Alessandro Baroni, Deputy Head of Worldline Global Financial Services: „This partnership with DFM highlights the benefits of outsourcing back-office services to Worldline. Following the closing of this five-year contract, we have successfully implemented the complete Instant Payments back-office and a connection to the Clearing & Settlement mechanism within nine months. This demonstrates our capability to act as an agile business partner. We look forward to keep supporting DFM’s business operations in the years to come.”


For more than 50 years, DFM has been a financing partner for dealer organisations, leasing companies and other businesses operating in the mobility sector. DFM finances all automotive brands. DFM is a joint venture between the German Volkswagen Bank and the Dutch family-owned business Pon. Located in Amersfoort, DFM provides its clients with a wide range of tailor-made financing solutions for real estate, stock, rental fleet, leasing and more. The partnership with Volkswagen Bank also facilitates payment services.

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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?