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Windows Phone 8 to come with NFC payments at the point of sale

22 iunie 2012

June 22, 2012 – Microsoft has revealed that its latest operating system Windows Phone 8 will come with an NFC-enabled mobile wallet app called Wallet Hub that promises to be “the most complete wallet experience,” according to the company. The service will include NFC payments at the point of sale a la Google Wallet, as well as mobile offers in conjunction with Microsoft’s Local Scout app and gift and membership card storage, similar to Apple’s newly unveiled Passbook. Unlike Google Wallet, Wallet Hub will rely on an augmented SIM card as a secure element, rather than hardware embedded in the phone itself.

Joe Belfiore (photo), who runs Windows Phone product definition and design, claimed that Microsoft has developed what will be „the most complete wallet experience on any smartphone when it launches this Autumn”.

Like Apple’s new Passbook app, the wallet aims to replace its physical counterpart by acting as a central hub where users can store all of their debit, credit and membership cards and coupons. These third party apps are integrated into the wallet though an API, meaning users can do things like check balances and collect coupons from one place.

Unlike Apple, Microsoft is also making an NFC play to enable users to make low value contactless payments with the cards in their wallet through a tap of the handset at the point-of-sale.

In contrast to another rival, Google, Microsoft has opted for a secure NFC SIM-based system. Belfiore says that Google’s decision to put the secure element in the device has had some „unfortunate side effects” with operators snubbing it because they want a SIM-based system that allows customers to keep it from one phone to the next.

Orange, which is the launch operator partner for the Wallet, has praised the SIM move. The company’s Yves Maitre told the summit via video that it is important that Microsoft has aligned with the recommendations of the telco trade body, the GSMA, on the issue.

Orange will be first to market with the full wallet service when it launches in France in the Autumn but all phones with the new OS will include the wallet hub whether they have the secure SIM or not, meaning customers will still be able to store third party apps.

Belfiore also revealed that Microsoft has also been working with Isis, the US consortium of telcos that is building its own wallet, and expects to have its system on Isis at some point next year.

„Every windows phone will include the wallet hub and whether your mobile operator has secure SIMs available or not, you still get all the benefit of third party apps and services integrating with the wallet,” Belfiore then adds. „Orange will be the first to market with secure SIMs at launch on the Orange network and we’re working with a number of other operators as well.”

Follow the link for details: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Windows-Phone/Summit/Platform-Announcements-Demo

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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

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So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


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