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Watch out for Romanian hi-tech startups @ ICT Spring 2022 – June 30 – July 1, 2022

30 iunie 2022

10 local hi-tech start-ups will represent Romania at ICT Spring 2022, in a pavilion dedicated to our country.

ICT Spring 2022, “the major event dedicated to the exhibition and demonstration of the latest relevant trends and innovations and the discussion of their impact on society and the world of work” held in Luxembourg on 30 June and 1 July, allows a number of Romanian start-ups to take centre stage, based on solid technological skills and a strong entrepreneurial will.

Romanian start-up scene builds on strong tech skills and a drive towards entrepreneurship.

The Romanian pavilion at this year’s ICT Spring brings together a highly relevant and representative group of start-ups and founders of cutting-edge technologies with immediate potential benefits for the Luxembourg economy and start-up landscape: AI, ML and industrialized hyper-automation, the ultimate multi-chain staking platform, open banking provider for real-time cash and payment automation, semantic technology consulting and digital transformation, smart contact tracing, IoT for agriculture and industry, Animate AR, holographic digital menu and V-Learning platform, biometric face authentication ecosystem for payments, to name a few.

The Romanian pavilion is organised by the Romania-Luxembourg Business Forum ASBL (Romlux), a Luxembourg non-profit association that aims to support the development of economic relations between actors from Romania and Luxembourg and a long term partner of Amcham.

Interesting to note is also the presence at the Romanian pavilion in the first day of the Romanian Ambassador and a key figure in the innovation landscape in Romania, the Romanian Secretary of state for Research, Innovation and Digitalisation, Mr Iulian Popescu. Amcham will generously offer a copy of the Doing Business in Luxembourg to each Romanian Startup Founders present at the event.

We invite you to join us at the ICT spring and meet these potentially global success stories along with their founders

FINQWARE : is set to become the preferred open banking provider for large companies in the EU, empowering CFOs, treasurers and accountants to leverage open banking for real-time cash management, reconciliations, collections and payments automation.

EMAILTREE : developed an AI platform to extract the essence of the incoming messages from any channel, advise the best possible answer and perform tasks automatically. By using EmailTree.AI, you give your customers and your teams the service they deserve, combining both human and AI capabilities.

FARM.XYZ : The Ultimate Multi-Chain Staking Platform – we are turning Yield Farming into Structured Assets.

HOLARDEV : is a Romanian startup, which is developing innovating software projects, based on Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, such as AnimateAR, Holographic Digital Menu, and HOLOTRAIN – an Interactive V-Learning Platform.

CLAPART : media company using blockchain technology to connect creators and fans on a descentralised platform where intellectual property rights and financial laws are exchanged using revolutionary RST protocol.

ADAMO TECHNOLOGY : IT & Management Consulting services in multiple industries and cross sectors with focus on highly skilled expertise in the newest technologies as: Big data, Cloud, Analytics, Data Science, AI, ML, Blockchain, Appian BPM.

FRONTIER PENTA/FRONTIER CONNECT : Lumbara digital solution (software & IOT devices) for agriculture, sustainable urbanism, green city, vertical/roofs urban gardens and circular economy, smart water capture and reusage, smart buildings facility management.

LuxCreators.lu : offers a complete set of solutions to help organisations with their technological innovation (AI, Machine Learning, and Automation services), digital transformation and marketing services.

MEANINGFY : provides data-driven tech solutions, as well as consulting and software development services to clients within Europe in the areas of Semantic Web, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, and other related areas. We are committed to materialising ideas about how to organise, access and enact knowledge with the newest technologies.

PANDEMSAFE : helps organisations operate effectively during pandemics and beyond by digitising the newly rolled out processes to cope with the specific needs brought by the new business as usual (i.e. contact tracing, document and hybrid work management solutions).

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Cifra/Declaratia zilei

Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?