With almost 60 million Visa contactless cards in circulation, contactless transactions across Europe reached more than 19 million in March 2013. Over €1 billion has now been spent on contactless cards and smartphones equipped with a Visa payWave app. By the end of 2013, it looks like Europeans will be making over 52 million contactless transactions every month.
2013 has seen contactless momentum in the UK grow significantly with 1.5 million Visa contactless transactions being made on London Buses since December, M&S processing over 230,000 contactless transactions every week and the Post Office installing contactless payment terminals in all of its 11,500 branches.
One in four Visa cards in the UK are now contactless, with 26.9 million cards in circulation and 232,000 terminals installed across the country. In March, the UK made 5.3 million contactless transactions which worth more than £39million.
Anne Van Schrader, Head of Contactless and Mobile NFC at Visa Europe, said:
“We’ve been building the contactless ecosystem across Europe since 2007 so it’s fantastic to see consumers recognise its value. Markets like the UK, Poland and Spain are leading the way in contactless usage and we’ve been instrumental in delivering great success stories like the rollout of Visa contactless acceptance on Transport for London’s bus network. By the end of 2013, Europeans will be making over 52 million contactless transactions every month.”
“Contactless and mobile payment is set to be an exciting part of the future retail landscape. A contactless payment takes place in less than a second, creating a quicker, easier and more convenient shopping experience. Customers are already embracing these benefits and through our roll-out we’re ensuring our stores can cater for customers’ changing shopping habits.”
Contactless payments across Europe:
. There are now 58 million contactless cards in Europe
. Contactless cards and phones with the Visa payWave app can be used at 797,000 acceptance points across Europe
. There are 39 Visa mobile contactless payment projects live across Europe
. Contactless transactions grew 46% between December 2012 and March 2013
“Ne asteptam ca 2013 sa marcheze un moment de referinta in evolutia cardurilor contactless si in Romania. Unele banci vor incepe sa elibereze automat carduri contactless la reemitere si emitere de noi carduri si, daca acest lucru se va intampla, estimam ca vom atinge o masa critica de carduri contactless in urmatorii doi ani. In paralel, este necesar sa se dezvolte si reteaua de acceptare a cardurilor contactless. Acestea au fost elementele cheie care au stat la baza succesului din Polonia si ne dorim ca si Romania sa urmeze acest drum”, a declarat Catalin Cretu, director general Romania, Visa Europe.
„Dupa ce vom atinge aceasta masa critica, cardurile contactless nu vor mai fi privite drept un produs <exotic> si vor fi utilizate zilnic la toate categoriile de comercianti”.
Date privind tehnologia contactless detaliate pe ţări*
(*Cifre din martie 2013)
●Peste 6 milioane de carduri contactless
●8,5 milioane de carduri vor exista până la finele anului 2013
●69.000 de terminale contactless
Marea Britanie |
●5,3 milioane de tranzacţii contactless în martie ●Valoarea tranzacţiilor contactless s-a situat la 39 milioane de lire sterline în luna martie ●1 din 4 carduri Visa este contactless, cu un total de 26,9 milioane carduri contactless aflate în circulaţie ●232.000 de terminale contactless instalate în toată ţara |
Polonia |
●57 milioane de euro cheltuiţi lunar cu carduri şi telefoane contactless ●10 milioane de tranzacţii contactless pe lună ●8,6 milioane de carduri contactless în circulaţie şi 116.000 de terminale contactless |
Franta |
●6,7 milioane de carduri contactless ●16 milioane de carduri vor exista până la finele anului 2013 ●120.000 de terminale contactless |
Slovacia |
●1 milion de tranzacţii contactless în martie 2013 ●Peste 1,3 milioane de carduri contactless ●Peste 10.000 de terminale contactless |
Spania |
Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”
„So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”
Many more interesting quotes in the video below: