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UE a lansat „Portalul universal al rechemarilor de pe piata”

23 octombrie 2012

23 octombrie, 2012 – Pentru siguranta consumatorilor care cumpara de pe piata mondiala, on-line si off-line, UE a lansat un portal international care le va permite autoritatilor din intreaga lume sa faca schimb de informatii cu privire la produsele nesigure/periculoase care au fost retrase de pe piata.

„Portalul universal al rechemarilor de pe piata” este un proiect elaborat in comun de catre UE si tarile OCDE, inclusiv SUA, Australia si Canada.

Intrand pe acest portalul consumatorii pot afla, de exemplu, daca marsupiul pentru bebelus sau bicicleta fabricata in afara UE respecta cerintele de siguranta europene si internationale.

In contextul in care se preconizeaza 3.000 de avize de rechemare a unor produse de pe piata pe an, consumatorii, intreprinderile si autoritatile vor avea acces la o remarcabila sursa de informatii cu privire la produse rechemate, sursa care va fi imbogatita in mod regulat de catre UE (prin intermediul RAPEX, sistemul comunitar de alerta rapida pentru produse nealimentare periculoase) si de catre autoritatile din SUA, Canada si Australia.

Oficialii UE apreciaza ca acest portal, in care se pot cauta date, va contribui la cresterea sigurantei consumatorilor din intreaga lume si va spori gradul de constientizare in randul consumatorilor si increderea in cumpararea de produse de pe o piata mondiala.

Aceasta noua baza de date va ajuta autoritatile de reglementare, consumatorii si intreprinderile sa caute informatii privind rechemarile produselor de pe piata mondiala. Reprezentantii UE incurajeaza, pe de o parte, intreprinderile si consumatorii sa utilizeze in mod regulat Portalul universal al rechemarilor de pe piata, iar pe de alta parte, invita tarile din intreaga lume sa participe in cadrul portalului, astfel incat sa fie acoperita o piata cat mai extinsa.

Aflati mai multe despre Portalul universal al rechemarilor de pe piata:



Why timely, cross-border information exchange on product safety issues is crucial?

  • The cost of product-related injury and death worldwide exceeds USD 1 trillion per year.
  • In South Korea, the number of recalls increased by about 25% in 2012, when compared to 2011.
  • The European Commission distributed through its RAPEX information-sharing system 1 803 notifications on consumer products posing risks to health and safety in 2011. Injuries, chemical risks and strangulation (from cords and drawstrings in children’s clothing) topped the list.
  • An increase by 8.5% in the number of recalls was noted in Australia in the current fiscal year, when compared to a year earlier.
  • On average, a product recall is issued once per week in the Netherlands.
  • From 1992 to 2006, toy recalls increased at a faster rate than the increase in imports from foreign countries in the United States.
  • At French borders, 25-30% of imported products do not comply with the CE marking requirements.

What does the GlobalRecalls portal bring?

  • It has the potential to greatly raise awareness of safety concerns worldwide while saving money. A similar OECD portal on chemicals is saving governments and industry an estimated EUR 150 million annually.
  • It uses a common product taxonomy. In the United States, use of the taxonomy could reduce the volume of imported toy products subject to examination by 75%, resulting in savings of USD 16.8 million for toy importers and USD 775 000 in cost savings for the government over five years.
  • It contains 2 045 product recalls from Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States. Further OECD and non-OECD economies will join the initiative in the coming months.
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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?