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Uber signs a multi-year global deal with PayPal

14 septembrie 2023

This deal expands their areas of partnership to include additional processing through PayPal Braintree, alternative domestic debit network routing across a range of geographies, instant driver and courier payouts to PayPal and Venmo, and custom support for new lines of business.

PayPal Holdings, Inc. and Uber Technologies, Inc., announced an extension of their multi-year relationship, furthering PayPal’s role as a key operational partner in Uber’s continued growth in both its core and new lines of business in markets all over the world.

As part of the agreement, PayPal and Uber will continue to build upon their substantive relationship for global card processing powered by PayPal Braintree.

„In addition to conventional card processing, Uber will leverage the PayPal Braintree platform to expand its use of domestic debit network routing in several markets, including in the U.S. Uber will also leverage PayPal value-added services including PayPal Payouts and several others that support in creating seamless, high-performance payments experiences for Uber’s customers.” the company explains.

Payments are central to Uber’s magical experience. When a spender opens their app, they expect it to work seamlessly from anywhere worldwide, and drivers and couriers increasingly want to be paid instantly,” said Karl Hebert, Vice President of Payments, Risk, and Identity at Uber. „It’s a very complex marketplace. As such, we need partners that can match our speed, growth, and high bar for performance and solve hard problems like domestic debit routing at scale in multiple markets without missing a beat. Our partnership with PayPal has seen us grow to a massive scale, working together to tackle many payments challenges side by side. Our extended partnership sets us up to work strategically to support Uber’s next phase of exceptional growth. PayPal was the clear partner to take this ride with.”

In addition to the expanded use of payment processing and alternative debit network routing included in the new agreement, Uber will also:

. Extend its use of payouts with the PayPal Hyperwallet solution, so drivers and couriers will have the option to access their funds instantly through PayPal and Venmo*.

. Launch combined incentives including UberOne in a broad Consumer Rewards program to provide Uber customers with savings when they pay with the PayPal wallet or Venmo at checkout.

. Leverage the PayPal Chargehound solution to understand how automation can help resolve chargebacks and more quickly produce immediate cost savings.

. Partner with PayPal on advanced authorization optimizations, while using Network Tokens, Smart Retries, and Account Updater services for further authorization-rate optimization and a more seamless consumer experience.

PayPal and Uber’s robust partnership over the years began with Uber’s integration of PayPal within their wallet – a payment method that provides a level of security for their customers and is a key competitive differentiator in many markets,” said Kurt Campisano, Senior Vice President of Global and Strategic Accounts at PayPal. „With PayPal as a checkout option, the extension of processing services and the addition of our payout and dispute resolution tools, Uber is pulling on all of the levers they need to deliver a superior experience for their drivers and riders and to propel them into the future of mobility.”

Uber and PayPal have worked together since 2012 to make payments seamless and secure for both riders and drivers. Throughout this time, Uber’s use of PayPal’s vast portfolio of products and services has been a key contributor to driving high authorization rates and more successful transactions.

The PayPal Braintree platform has been a focal point of the relationship, processing Uber’s payments in nearly 200 countries and 50 currencies, enabling Uber to scale globally with limited complexity.

* Venmo is only available in the U.S.


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Cifra/Declaratia zilei

Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?