Record de audienta pentru Banking 4.0 – peste 2.000 de accesari inca din prima zi. Atractivitatea panelurilor din a doua zi ar putea genera un interes si mai mare.
NoCash \ Evenimente \ Record de audienta pentru Banking 4.0 – peste 2.000 de accesari inca din prima zi. Atractivitatea panelurilor din a doua zi ar putea genera un interes si mai mare.
26 noiembrie 2021
Prima zi a conferintei internationale Banking 4.0 a oferit keynote speech-uri de exceptie si paneluri extrem de atractive care au facut ca audienta sa depaseasca 2000 de accesari: dintre care jumatate in platforma de networking a conferintei si jumatate pe pagina de facebook a NOCASH (dupa primele opt ore de emisie, dintre cele peste 10 ore inregistrate in prima zi).
Cea de-a doua zi rezerva un sase paneluri, toate pe zona de plati. Foarte probabil ca cel mai asteptat dintre ele este cel legat de open banking, cu o „distributie” de exceptie.
Interesant se anunta si panelul de crypto, unde va fi prezent si reprezentantul BNR, directorul biroului de cripto si monede digitale.
Trei keynote speech-uri vor fi sustinute de catre
Etienne Goosse – European Payments Council, Secretary General SEPA: Request-to-Pay Scheme
Frantisek Jungr, Head of Product in CEE at Visa: „New chapter in digital payments. What’s in focus?” – ‘New flows’: Crypto, RTX, Sustainability together with Money transfer (B2B, P2P, B2C, G2C, C2G or C2B).
Anders Olofsson, Head of Payments at Finastra: „How bank’s business and operating models will change”
Ziua se termina in forta, cu un panel pe Buy Now Pay later si finantare alternativa, in cadrul caruia se va anunta o premiera pentru piata romaneasca.
Asigura-te ca nu pierzi nimic din tot ce este important pentru tine.
Prima zi in imagini
Daniel GOLDSCHEIDER – CEO – keynote speech “Banks and the Global Assured Identity Network — How financial institutions can play a leading role in Digital Identity and Open Banking.”Arturo Gonzales – keynote speech vice-chair of the European Association of Third Party Providers, CEO of Eurobits Technologies „From PSD2 to Open Finance that actually works” John Barber, vice president Infosys Finacle Europe – Keynote speech “Banking transformation for the next normal – Post pandemic pointers.” A session based on research insights into how banks need to embrace holistic transformation and not just digital transformation.In imagine, de la stanga la dreapta: Vladimir Kalinov – VP, Head of retail Raiffeisen Bank, Dana Dima – VP, Head of retail BCR, Gabriela Nistor – VP, Head of retail BT, Andrei Gaman – Commercial Vice President | Banking, Europe, FintechOSIn imagine (sus): Bogdan Stefan – Policy Officer Comisia Europeana Jos, de la stanga la dreapta: Eliad Saporta – CEO Coriunder, Uwe Uwe Hartel – Country Manager, DACH region at Entersekt, Mirela Ciobanu – senior editor The Paypers, Michal Wawrzynski, Sales Manager (Finland, Moldova, Poland and Romania) at OneSpanIn imagine, de la stanga la dreapta: Rene Schob – Coordinator Romania Startup Grow Pad Program, Carmen Sebe, CEO SeedBlink, Cristian Carstoiu – Partner, Chief Innovation Officer EY RomaniaIn imagine – sus: Bulent Tekmen, CEO Colinder jos, de la stanga la dreapta: Cosmin Cosma – CEO Finqware, Daniel Turbatu – country manager Paysera, Marilena Ignat – Executive Partner – Customer Success Experience at, Cristian Pasa, Director Strategic Partnerships at Fagura, Eliad Saporta, CEO CoriunderIn imagine (sus), de la stanga la dreapta: Thibault de Barsy – Vice-Chairman at The Payments Association EU, Jean Philippe Joliveau – Berlin Group In imagine (jos), de la stanga la dreapta: Cosmin Cosma – president of the Romanian Fintech Association, Bastien Latge – CTO at EMVCo, Arturo Gonzales Mac Dowell – Vice-Chairman of the European Association of Third Party Providers. in imagine (sus): Romano Stasi, Managing Director at ABI Lab (Spunta Project) In imagine (jos), de la stanga la dreapta: Stefan Gergely, Head of Blockchain at Zitec, Cornel Vintila – founder Block Trade Concept
„So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”
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