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Omnicredit is launching its multi-credit, 100% accessible online service platform 

5 iunie 2019

Omnicredit.ro is the first fintech platform in Romania that offers multicredit services, operates exclusively online and can fund applications up to RON 25. 000 in less than an hour. The application is mainly intended for legal entities and especially to micro-enterprises.

Omnicredit is a project that meets the funding need of small entrepreneurs. Statistics[ show that 94% of Romanian companies are micro-enterprises and 70% of these are not eligible to access to a classic bank loan. However, according to one study, the White Paper of SMEs, bank loans are the first option of small entrepreneurs when it comes to accessing funds.

Market reality does not coincide at all with the preferences of entrepreneurs, given that, in the previous years, 72% of SMEs in Romania self-funded, only 23% of them received bank loans and 21% of SMEs resorted to supplier credit. For 8% the funding source was leasing, 3% of enterprises used client credit (advances), and 2.5% used the facilities from the National Credit Guarantee Fund for SMEs.

We want to meet the funding need of the private environment, especially that of small enterprises. Our goal is to offer products that are very easily accessible and sufficiently diversified to cover a wide range of activities. Entrepreneurs need to use their time and energy to grow their businesses without worrying about funding, and that way we can grow together”, said Omnicredit CEO Elisa Rusu (photo) at the platform launch.

According to the same study, the White Paper of SMEs, in 2017, the main criteria of entrepreneurs when choosing a particular financier were: speed of services (43% of the companies), flexibility of the funding options (34%); product diversity (24%) and financial servicesavailable online (12%);

„The  Omnicredit.ro  platform covers all these criteria, the time elapsed until the receipt of the money is extremely short, as the operations are conducted online, and the service package is diversified, with 8 types of products available online. „, according to the press release.

„Registration on the platform is done in 30 seconds, the credit decision is made within one hour after uploading the documents and the money reaches the client’s account within 8 hours of approval. There is no need for physical presence in any of the crediting stages, as absolutely all decisions and procedures are conducted online. „, the company said.

The majority shareholder of the company is the Reconstruction Capital II Limited (RC2) investment fund, present in Romania since 2005 and listed on the London stock exchange.

The company will be headed in Romania by Elisa Rusu, a banking person with over 20 years of professional experience in the financial area, who decided to follow her dream of doing things differently and “disrupting” certain standards related to the crediting system. Omnicredit has extremely ambitious plans for the next three years.

“We set out to launch four more products for our customers in 2019, in addition to the eight that we launched today. 2020 is the year of technology for Omnicredit, and we plan to integrate the concepts of machine learning and deep learning into credit risk management, so that in 2021, in the third year of operation, we think of providing even more support to entrepreneurs, launching the first „Education Academy”, an online platform that will help small entrepreneurs to better understand the financial and credit area, so that they can have easy and knowledgeable access to funding tools”, Elisa Rusu explains the plans for the next period.

At this time, Omnicredit has a team of 12 persons specialized in factoring/micro-credit analysis and operations, IT and online marketing, with which it aims to become the market leader for micro-crediting of legal entities this year, by funding 300 entrepreneurs and granting loans amounting to EUR 5 million.

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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?