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Former executives from Tesla and Microsoft develops world’s first wearable fantech

28 august 2018

A new category of wearable tech is here with the launch of ‘Fantom’ – a smartband designed explicitly for fans. „Using technology in new and exciting ways, Fantom leads the FanTech movement by combining innovative tech with fan culture to change the way consumers engage with their favourite sports teams, artists and performers.”, according to the press release.

Swedish start-up, Turnpike Group, now announces the Fantom wearable platform after recently rolling out a successful launch with a record breaking Premier League Club. The transformative smartband device sold out just a few days after launching the product to hardcore fans in the UK.

Fantom – together with the teams – offers a host of bespoke features for sports fans including instant match stats, breaking news, inside club information, geo-located updates, fan polls, man of the match, quizzes among other features to help bring fans and the teams, closer together. The in-built technology aims to create a genuine community of passionate, and likeminded people while providing a seamless experience.

The team behind Fantom includes serial entrepreneurs and former executives from Tesla, Microsoft and BBH, who have spent the last year developing the technology after feedback from a beta trial with fans in England, which began in 2017, to identify what they wanted to see in a passionate, driven, smart device.

„The roadmap for Fantom is bright with built-in NFC capabilities for contactless features, allowing fans to ‘wear their season ticket’ like a badge of honour and streamline their match-day experience with frictionless payments. Sensory algorithms will be able to identify when another fan is nearby, helping to spark new connections and fuelling the passion for millions of supporters.”, the company says.

While football fans are the first to benefit from this exciting technology, „Fantom’s ‘FanTech’ has the potential to revolutionise the way other sports teams and music artists interact with their passionate followers”.

With an aggressive development plan that will capitalise on AI technology to personalise content for individual wearers, Fantom is creating a multi-sensory experience that will allow performers and teams to harness deeper relationships with fans.

„Fantom is an instant tribe telegraph on your wrist, making you feel connected to everything happening around the club. For clubs it’s incredibly exciting because it enables them to understand and reach their most loyal fans in a completely personalised way, without cannibalising existing sales, relationships or channels ” says Carl Norberg, Co-founder.

„Every part of Fantom is designed from the ground up. Everything is custom made, from the chipsets and industrial design to the operative system and the innovative user experience with the sole focus of creating a unique fan experience. We see an enormous potential for the platform” says Björn Ögren, Co-founder of Fantom.

„We are excited that Fantom is now available to football fans. This is just the beginning. Our goal is to be the global leaders in FanTech with products already launching in the UK and Europe, and soon the rest of the world to follow,” says Peter Carlsson, Co-Founder of Fantom.

Fantom is now available to purchase for £79.99 at getfantom.com, and the companion app is available on iOS and Android.

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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?