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Dr Joachim Nagel, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank : Introducing a digital euro – the cross-border dimension

16 octombrie 2024

Speech by Dr Joachim Nagel – President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, at the RBI@90 High-Level Conference on „Central banking at crossroads”,  organised by the Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi, 14 October 2024.


CBDCs and cross-border payments

Given that there are correspondent banks and FinTechs working on digital innovations as well, let me begin with a question. What would be the additional benefits of CBDCs in the area of digital payments? The introduction of CBDCs would facilitate a setup of new infrastructures for digital payments. On the one hand, this makes high initial investment necessary. On the other hand, once a CBDC is established with its new infrastructure, it could catalyse broad improvements in payment systems, including cross-border transactions – by introducing new message standards and shorter process chains, for example.4

Starting on a green field may be one major advantage of CBDCs. Experience shows that, in particular, implementing common standards is not an easy task. Take ISO 20022, for example.5 The International Organisation for Standardisation proposed this common standard for financial messages in cross-border payments in 2004. It will be probably more widely used in payment systems on a global level next year – 21 years after the initial proposal. This period feels even longer when you think of all the innovations that have taken place in the meantime – the first iPhone was presented in 2007, the concept of a decentralised blockchain in 2008.

However, to be able to reap the benefits for cross-border payment, interoperability between CBDCs must be ensured early on. To this end, central banks should already begin to consider the best ways for interaction in the planning phase. In my view, we have a historic opportunity to vastly improve cross-border transactions by making different CBDCs interoperable from the very beginning.

Indeed, a number of projects are already researching the best ways of making CBDCs interoperable. For instance, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) Innovation Hub in Singapore and a number of national central banks in the Indo-Pacific region set up Project Dunbar to explore how a common platform for CBDCs could enable cheaper, faster and safer cross-border payments.6

I am strongly in favour of a multilateral approach in this area, because this best serves the interests of all participants. If central banks proceed in a largely unilateral way instead, we not only risk inefficiencies, but also undesirable interferences. Consider a scenario in which a CBDC is made available for holders abroad in a unilateral way. In such a case, we could see currency substitution or appreciation pressure for the domestic currency. Also, the balance sheet of the CBDC emitting central bank could strongly expand. A knock-on effect may be that domestic monetary policy in countries that suffer from increased currency substitution becomes less effective. By contrast, a multilateral approach including reasonable holding limits could mitigate these risks.

Meanwhile, the RBI has made valuable contributions to the topic of retail CBDC. The digital rupee based on blockchain technology was launched on 1 December 2022. It is issued by the central bank and distributed by commercial banks. As I understand it, the RBI intends to tap the potential for using CBDCs in cross-border payments as well.

A digital euro: The cross-border dimension

In the Eurosystem, we expect a digital euro to be launched in just a few years’ time. The primary goal of a digital euro is meet the domestic needs of the euro area. To some extent, however, this goal already includes a significant cross-border dimension. Let me explain what I mean by that. A quarter century on from the introduction of the euro, there is still no single pan-European solution for digital payments when people go shopping in stores or online. This means there is a risk that traditional cashless payment solutions offered by private European payment service providers will not match customer needs.

To be fair, some euro area Member States have successfully implemented innovative digital solutions in the area of payments – I am thinking, for example, of the online payment system iDEAL in the Netherlands or Bizum Wallet in Spain. However, such payment solutions by themselves usually only function within national borders. Promising initiatives have been underway in recent years to widen the scope of these solutions. For example, iDEAL was successfully acquired by the European Payments Initiative, a company founded by several European banks and financial services companies. This initiative seeks to create a truly pan-European payment solution in the near to medium term. 

This shows that the European payments sector has made meaningful progress; however, there are challenges further ahead. International payment providers, particularly those offering credit card schemes, still heavily dominate the European market for payment services – and even more when it comes to payments abroad.

A digital euro would be a major step forward in this context. It would provide a standardised digital means of payment for day-to-day transactions throughout the euro area. Despite the need for a more integrated payment system, we are determined to prevent the Eurosystem’s footprint in the European financial system from becoming too large. We are therefore planning to issue a digital euro, but not to distribute it. This means that banks and other payment providers should assume the role of the CBDC interface between the Eurosystem and the customers.

The euro area currently consists of 20 Member States, each of which has its own banking system with its own unique features. Against this background, I am sure you can imagine the overall complexity of our task. Therefore, our current focus is on making the digital euro accessible for all users within the euro area. We are investing great effort in our work on this, and we are constantly explaining what we do and why we do it, not least because a number of people are sceptical of CBDCs. 

Once we have accomplished a digital euro for all users within the euro area, it will, in my view, be worth considering making it accessible to users outside the euro area as well. Rules for geographical access to a digital euro will be set down in legislation. If European legislation allows, access to a digital euro can also be granted to consumers and firms in the Member States of the European Economic Area outside the euro area. Selected non-EU countries can be included as well.7

Ideally, the D€ would be interoperable with other CBDCs from the very start, for example, for person-to-person payments or commercial payments from or to firms outside the euro area. However, this is currently a vision for the future, since, as already mentioned, we first have to overcome numerous challenges to establish a retail digital euro that works within the euro area.

Concluding remarks

So far, CBDCs are newcomers to the world of payment systems. We can only estimate how large a role they will end up playing in payment transactions. This is all the more true when it comes to cross-border payments.

The scepticism about CBDCs in many quarters is not uncommon for many technological innovations. For example, in the early 1980s, „computerphobia” was a widespread phenomenon.8 This took a wide range of forms, even fear of physically touching a computer or feeling threatened by those who worked with them. Today, this may seem very strange to us. Computers have since become an essential day-to-day tool for us.

And so we will continue our efforts to implement CBDCs. I am confident that this will ultimately make our payment systems better, faster and more efficient.


 Deutsche Bundesbank, Cross-border interoperability of central bank digital currency, Monthly Report, July 2022, p. 59-75.

5 ISO 20022 | ISO20022

6 Project Dunbar – International settlements using multi-CBDCs (mas.gov.sg)

7 International aspects of CBDCs: update on digital euro (europa.eu)

8 LaFrance, A., When People Feared Computers, The Atlantic, 30 March 2015.

Cifra/Declaratia zilei

Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

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In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?