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CBI Hub Cloud project – Nexi and SIA to redesign payments network in Italy. „This marks the beginning of a revolution in advanced multibank digital services.” SIA is coming to Banking 4.0

25 septembrie 2021

Italian payment provider consortium CBI has appointed existing partners Nexi and SIA to redesign the architecture that links its Payment Service Provider (PSP) clients to banks. It is expected the new architecture will be ready for testing by the end of 2022.

CBI, the hub for technological innovation and digitalization of the financial industry, has entrusted Nexi and SIA to redesign the technological architecture of interconnection between all banks and CBI’s Payment Service Provider (PSP) clients.

„The aim of this project is to expand the offer of digital services of transaction banking for citizens, businesses, and the Public Administration. By the end of 2022, banks will test this new system for the first time,” according to the press release.
The new system, also known as CBI Hub Cloud, will allow CBI’s infrastructures that manage all the multibank payment and cash transactions between Italian companies towards PA to communicate through a bespoke and private Cloud technology, that is borrowed from CBI’s open banking platform, CBI Globe.

Lenders will be able to offer advanced and real-time transactional and open finance services to the PA, corporate and retail clients. This will increase the levels of efficiency, safety, and integration in the payments market amongst the key players in our country.
CBI Hub Cloud strengthens CBI’s commitment with Nexi and SIA to the modernization of the system in the field of payment financial services. Thanks to the latest technological infrastructures based on the Cloud, banks and other intermediaries will be able to tackle new challenges, even at the international level, and the growing needs of their clients who are looking for efficient, advanced, and customized services.
Liliana Fratini Passi, CEO at CBI, commented: “CBI Hub Cloud incorporates all services available on CBI’s network. All intermediaries will manage more easily, efficiently and immediately device, information and document exchange services offered to their clients. This will create new services leveraging opportunities, flexibility and a time-to-market response, enabled by the Cloud. CBI has chosen Nexi and SIA as partners for their innate drive for innovation in the payments market. This new architecture will strengthen CBI’s role as a company for the development of payment digital services in the financial and international fields. The use of technologies, aligned with the best safety requirements from the European Authorities that have already been tested following the entry of PSD2, will simplify real time meetings amongst key players of the market, citizens, businesses, banks, intermediaries, fintech and the Public Administration”.
Renato Martini, Digital Banking Solutions Director at Nexi, said: “Being chosen as the technological partner by CBI once again confirms the importance of Nexi as the PayTech of Banks.  CBI Hub Cloud will be developed through API technology that Nexi has already used to develop CBI Globe, the platform for Italy’s Open Banking. HUB Cloud will serve banks’ services, adding efficiency and innovation to the CBI’s multibank service, the benchmark for the cash management and remote banking link for corporates in Italy. Lenders will be able to easily access this service by installing a client software and monitoring real time transactions thanks to a dashboard linked to the HUB. The HUB will mark the advent of online processing logistics of cash management services presented by CBI. Additionally, the open and flexible API technology will enable the innovation of services according to the open banking principles, starting from the already known ones in CBI’s development plan, such as smart onboarding, check IBAN, Invoice Advance Database, or the Confirmation of Payee”.
Eugenio Tornaghi, Marketing & Sales Director at SIA, commented: “The kick-off of the Hub Cloud project represents a new step in the longstanding collaboration with CBI to innovate this important system infrastructure with further digital services, in line with new market needs, also at international level. Our commitment towards the development of cutting edge technologies to evolve our country’s payment systems continues. As partners in the initiative, we have improved the exchange of ideas amongst the various key players in the Hub through advanced access tools for banks, corporates and the public sector. This will enable the digitalization of payments, such as utility bills and taxes, improving citizens’ experience with a specific focus on security aspects”.


Nexi is the leading PayTech in Europe and SIA is a leading European hi-tech company in payment services and infrastructures, controlled by CDP Equity.

SIA is coming to Banking 4.0, international fintech conference dedicated to emerging technologies and trends in banking.

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Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?