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Cardul Zambet BCR si Google Wallet premiate la Londra

2 mai 2012

2 Mai 2012 – Cardul Zambet BCR a fost desemnat cea mai buna aplicatie de plata contactless la categoria “Transportation and Ticketing” in cadrul Galei “Contactless and Mobile Awards 2012” ce a avut loc la sfarsitul lunii aprilie a.c., la Londra, in Marea Britanie.  La aceeasi Gala, aplicatia Google Wallet (US) a fost desemnata “Mobile Payment Application of the Year” iar Garanti Bank Turcia a castigat categoria “Best customer experience”.

Sponsorizat de Visa Europe, evenimentul a fost organizat de Contactless Intelligence si a recompensat companiile care implementeaza tehnologii de plata fara atingere (contactless) si incurajeaza consumatorii sa utilizeze cardurile contactless la comercianti.

Suntem deosebit de onorati de aceasta recunoastere internationala a eforturilor facute de BCR pentru a implementa in Romania tehnologia contactless. Acest premiu vine sa confirme faptul ca BCR isi consolidandeaza pozitia de lider pe piata romaneasca”, a declarat Ahu Atay, director al Diviziei Carduri din cadrul BCR.

Premiul primit de catre BCR – decernat doamnei Alina Maria Dancila (foto), manager produs, Biroul managementului produselor, Directia carduri BCR – este cu atat mai onorant cu cat juriul competitiei a fost compus din specialisti si consultanti independenti in domeniile comertului electronic, tehnologia informatiei si a comunicatiilor sau transporturi – inclusiv reprezentantii Departamentului de Cercetare si Sisteme de Transport Inovative din cadrul Directoratului General al Comisiei Europene pentru Mobilitate si Transport.

In prezent, BCR are in circulatie 23.700 carduri Zambet ( contactless debit ) active si 554 contactless de credit. In Europa, sunt peste 31 milioane de carduri contactless emise sub licenta Visa iar numarul lor se asteapta sa depaseasca 50 de milioane pana la sfarsitul acestui an. Inclusiv partea de acceptare va inregistra o crestere rapida, planurile Visa Europe fiind ca – in cursul acestui an – reteaua de terminale operationale la comercianti, pentru acceptarea la plata a cardurilor contactless, sa se majoreze cu 50%.


Contactless Intelligence announces winners of 2012 Contactless and Mobile Awards

The global appetite for contactless technologies shows no sign of abating as the 2012 Contactless Intelligence Contactless & Mobile Awards honour achievements across a wide range of sectors and countries throughout Europe and further a field.

Now in its fifth year, the Contactless & Mobile Awards (this year sponsored by Visa Europe and Telefonica O2) has yet again attracted a record turnout, making it an important fixture in the contactless calendar. “We’ve seen entry numbers grow year-on-year, highlighting the dynamism of this burgeoning industry,” said Steve Atkins, CEO of Krowne Communications, the company behind Contactless Intelligence. “Whereas other awards ceremonies focus on behind-the-scenes technological innovations, we honour those firms that are really making a difference in getting contactless devices into the hands of users and encouraging consumers to use them at both major international and small retailers throughout the world. This year we changed the categories slightly to reflect the growing spectrum of uses and implementations of contactless and NFC technology as you would expect from such a dynamic industry. The quality and quantity of entries reflect this dynamism.”

This year’s CMA champions accepted their trophies at a gala dinner at Tower Bridge Hilton, London, on April 26, 2012. The winners are:

  • Competitive Advantage – Coca-Cola / Vianet (UK)
  • Transportation and Ticketing – Banca Comerciala Romana (Romania)
  • Mobile Payment Application of the Year – Google Wallet (US)
  • Contactless / NFC Innovation of the Year – Qolpac (The Netherlands)
  • Best Customer Experience – Garanti Bank (Turkey)
  • Loyalty – Kadona (Austria)
  • Public Domain – Connecthings (France)
  • Best Marketing Campaign using Contactless / NFC Technology – Proxama (UK)
  • Best Contactless / NFC Infrastructure – VeriFone (UK)
  • Contactless / NFC Eco-System – Glodyne Technoserve (India)

In addition, Visa Europe presented its Visa payWave award for The Visa payWave award for Best Contactless Awareness and Education Campaign to McDonald’s (UK), while Kevin Doran from McDonald’s (UK) won the Visa payWave Business Leader of the Year prize.

This year’s judges included Wendy Atkins, Contactless Intelligence; Paul Chamberlain, Association for Convenience Stores; Michel Barjansky, independent transport consultant; Mark Austin, Visa Europe; Kevin Farquharson, Smart Card Networking Forum; Samee Zafar, Edgar Dunn; John Berry, European Commission (Research & Innovative Transport Systems); Craig Oldroyd, O2; Paul Naldrett, SIMalliance; and Sirpa Nordlund, Mobey Forum.

“The number of firms that now want to talk about what they are doing with contactless globally is encouraging for the industry, but it makes the judges’ job tougher every year,” added Atkins. “We’re grateful for the time everyone spent analysing the input in some very tough categories. There were some particularly strong entries in certain categories, such as Loyalty and Best Customer Experience which meant some of the results were incredibly close.”

Cifra/Declaratia zilei

Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?