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Banks and technology partners join EU-wide pilot of digital IDs. Banca Transilvania is the only participant from Romania (so far).

16 septembrie 2022

A new multi-country consortium of European identity experts has firmed up a proposal to deliver a large-scale, cross-border payments pilot. The consortium is led by Nobid (Nordic-Baltic eID Project), according to Finextra.

Supported by digital government agencies, banks, enterprises and technology providers, the group will collaborate to show how payments and ID can be combined across borders and in multiple currencies. Banca Transilvania is one of the participants confirmed as „associated”.

Research consistently shows that, after social media and messaging, eCommerce is the most important use of the internet for Europeans. To address this, the EWC will pilot travel use cases, demonstrating how eIDAS will transform the safety, security and convenience of eCommerce within a context that is familiar to huge numbers of European citizens.

„By using travel as an example, we will demonstrate how eIDAS will revolutionise many other eCommerce use cases, capturing the imagination of citizens, businesses and governments,” according to the official page of EWC.

The EWC will create two common building blocks that will support the travel use case. The first is payments and the second is organizational digital identity (“ODI”).

„Using the EUDI wallet for payments will be a major step forward in facilitating secure eCommerce for all parties. ODI is just as vital, providing reassurance to people, businesses and governments that they are dealing with the right organization, not a scammer,” the EWC says.

These building blocks will be made available to all other pilot consortia.

1 – Travel (primary use case)

2 – Payments – common building block
3 – Organizational Digital Identity („ODI”) – common building block

The User Journey

In the European Union, we have freedom of movement – we can travel, work, live, in any country we would like to. Digitalization has changed both our life and the way we travel. Now we can travel with a mobile ticket, do online check-in, work from the airport… but there is still so much information to enter, so many passwords to remember, websites to login into, passport data to enter.

Here is Hannah from Sweden. She mistyped her last name while booking the ticket and now cannot go through the pass control at the airport. She is waiting in the line for 30 minutes now because the airport lacks personnel – so, she might be even late for her flight. She has also forgotten her 16-digit login code generator in her other laptop bag and will not be able to work from the airport. This is just a bad day when you wish you would have all your credentials digitally in one place!

No more bad days for Hannah! The EWC consortium consisting of over 40 organizations covering all European countries will develop Digital Travel Credentials for smooth travelling within Europe. With DTC in her digital wallet, Hannah would have:

  • Travel Credentials like tickets, passports, luggage tags
  • Corporate identity credentials to work from anywhere she goes
  • Personal identity credentials to connect with her local government from any European country
  • Payment credentials to pay safely online

No need to type her name while buying tickets or even enter her long card number anymore. Her company’s login data is always on her mobile, so she can e-sign and e-seal any documents while drinking her morning coffee at the airport. If she is away traveling, she can still connect to her government to get a tax return and securely identify herself – no papers needed. And she would never struggle with her card being left in another bag – even her Visa is in her digital wallet!

Everything Hannah would need to travel, available online and offline – in one secure European Digital Wallet! Now Hannah is patiently waiting for the EWC consortium to develop the Digital Travel Credentials – this already feels like a great European travel experience enriched by digitalization!

Tor Alvik, project manager of the consortium, says: “For the EU digital ID wallet to thrive, it needs a reference implementation that sets the bar high. The consortium has all the ingredients for success: multi-nation participation; extensive digital identity experience; a hugely compelling use case and the backing of the best in the banking and payments industry. We are hugely excited to turn the EU vision into a reality and make smoother, more readily available ID services possible for all.

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Cifra/Declaratia zilei

Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?