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Banking 4.0 – web 3.0 project competition. The winning start-up gets prizes of over 40,000 euros in services.

17 mai 2023

Consistent with the idea of ​​promoting emerging technologies in the new digital economy, the NOCASH EVENTS company continues the Banking 4.0 event series – this year’s spring edition being dedicated to blockchain technology.

The international conference comes with a new start-up competition of blockchain projects „made in Romania”, intended to highlight the most promising ideas and business models, developed on blockchain technology.

The organizers of Banking 4.0, together with the COINsiglieri – the first one stop-shop agency for start-ups, since 2017, will select companies that are at most in the seed stage.

If your business also offers such a revolutionary business model or that solves a real problem by using blockchain, we invite you to register in the competition. Complete the registration form here. The last day of registration is Monday, May 22, at 3:00 p.m.

Each start-up will have a 7-minute pitch, followed by another 3-minute Q&A session. It is up to each contestant how they will use their allotted time to convince the jury. It could be a pdf, a demo, or anything else deemed more relevant.

The Jury
Elizaveta Palaznik – Markets in Crypto Assets – Business Consultant
Sarah Palurovic – Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Tutor in the Master of Blockchain
& Digital Assets
Perello Laurent – TRON DAO, blockchain advisor
Artem Fedorov – Visa Consulting & Analytics
Andrei Burz-Panzaru – Partner Deloitte Legal Romania/ Reff & Associates
Felix Crisan – Netopia Ventures / cofounder Ronin
Alexandru Stanescu – Partner at SLV Legal / Board Member thinkBLOCKtank
Ionut Valceanu – co-founder Coinsiglieri

The first three winners will receive extremely attractive and complete service packages for a start-up at the beginning of its business journey, looking for financing and consulting.
Banking 4.0 – web 3.0 project competition offers 1st place with 43,500 EUR in services, products, and perks from partners and 2nd and 3rd places with 16,750 EUR and 14.000 EUR respectively in services, products, and perks, providing an opportunity for your startup to win valuable resources to help grow your business.

What says Alex Mincu, founder & CEO Farm XYZ – the winner of Banking 4.0 blockchain competition in 2022:

The NOCASH gala event was an exceptional platform that not only acknowledged, but also celebrated the innovative strides made in the field of blockchain technology. It is events like these that bring together the best minds in the industry, fostering a sense of unity, collaboration, and mutual respect among all participants. We were particularly impressed by the level of professionalism, organization, and dedication to excellence that NOCASH demonstrated throughout the event.

The award we received is a milestone for Farm.XYZ, and it is with the utmost pride and humility that we accept it. This recognition inspires us to continue our pursuit of innovation, constantly challenging ourselves to drive the envelope further in the blockchain technology space.

To NOCASH, your commitment to advancing the blockchain ecosystem is commendable. Your efforts to spotlight and champion emerging technologies make a significant impact in shaping the future of digital economy. We look forward to more opportunities to collaborate and to celebrate the fruits of this ever-evolving industry together.

Foto: Alex Mincu’ s pitch at Banking 4.0 start-up competition in 2022

See you on May 23 at STUP. Good luck to all competitors!

Thank you all partners that makes this competition possible.


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Cifra/Declaratia zilei

Anders Olofsson – former Head of Payments Finastra

Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”

So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?