24 iulie, 2013 – Comisoanele interbancare pentru operatiunile de plata cu cardul vor fi limitate la 0,2% din valoarea tranzactiei cu un card de debit si 0,3% in cazul unui card de credit, potrivit noului regulament propus de Comisia Europeana. Pe durata unei perioade de tranzitie de 22 de luni, plafonarea se va aplica doar in cazul tranzactiilor transfrontaliere, ulterior si asupra tranzactiilor nationale.
Comisia Europeana estimeaza ca prin plafonarea nivelului comisoanelor interbancare, la nivelul intregii Europe, veniturile bancilor din taxarea tranzactiilor de plati cu carduri se vor reduce aproape la jumatate: de la 4,8 mld. Euro la 2,5 mld. Euro pe cardurile de debit si de la 5,7 mld. Euro la 3,5 mld. Euro pe cardurile de credit. Pe cale de consecinta, se vor reduce semnificativ si veniturile schemelor internationale de plata.
Ne referim la MasterCard si Visa intrucat alte scheme precum American Express sau Diners nu fac obiectul acestei plafonari. Aceasta exceptie este interesanta cel putin din perspectiva Croatiei, tara unde primele doua scheme de plata dupa volume, pe cardurile de credit, sunt tocmai Amex si Diners. Croatia a devenit membru UE de la 1 iulie a.c.
„Plafonarea comisioanelor interbancare va reduce costurile pentru comerciantii cu amanuntul si consumatori si va contribui la crearea unei piete a platilor la nivelul UE. Aceasta ar trebui, de asemenea, sa incurajeze inovarea si sa stimuleze furnizorii de servicii de plata sa ofere noi servicii”, potrivit comunicatului de presa.
Comisia Europeana a adoptat astazi un pachet de masuri care cuprinde o noua directiva privind serviciile de plata si o propunere de regulament privind comisioanele interbancare pentru operatiunile de plata cu cardul.
Acest pachet constituie o reactie la schimbarile majore ale modului in care europenii fac cumparaturi si platesc. Aproape toti titularii de conturi din UE detin un card de debit si 40% dintre acestia detin si un card de credit.
34% dintre cetatenii UE fac deja cumparaturi pe internet si mai mult de 50% poseda un smartphone, putand astfel efectua plati de pe telefonul mobil. Unele sectoare economice — cum ar fi sectorul turistic — realizeaza chiar cea mai mare parte a vanzarilor lor pe internet.
In acelasi timp, piata UE pentru platile efectuate cu cardul, pe internet si de pe telefonul mobil ramane fragmentata si se confrunta cu provocari importante care o impiedica sa se dezvolte mai mult si incetinesc potentialul de crestere al UE.
In plus, in timp ce platile cu cardul devin din ce in ce mai raspandite, modelul de afaceri bazat pe „comisioane interbancare” (comisioanele platite reciproc de banci pentru fiecare plata cu cardul), inca predominant, promoveaza comisioane interbancare ridicate care se rasfrang asupra costurilor suportate de comerciantii cu amanuntul si, in cele din urma, asupra preturilor pentru consumatori. Acest model impiedica, de asemenea, aparitia unor noi operatori.
Comisarul pentru piata interna si servicii, dl Michel Barnier, a declarat: „Astazi, piata platilor din UE este fragmentata si presupune un cost ridicat, de mai mult de 1 % din PIBul UE, si anume 130 de miliarde de euro pe an. Este vorba de un cost pe care economia noastra nu si-l poate permite. Propunerea noastra va promova piata unica digitala prin garantarea de plati pe internet mai ieftine si mai sigure, atat pentru comerciantii cu amanuntul, cat si pentru consumatori. Modificarile propuse pentru comisioanele interbancare vor elimina o bariera importanta intre pietele nationale ale platilor si vor pune capat, in cele din urma, nivelului nejustificat de ridicat al acestor comisioane.”
Vicepresedintele Joaquín Almunia (foto) a adaugat: „Comisioanele interbancare platite de comerciantii cu amanuntul se rasfrang asupra facturilor consumatorilor. Consumatorii nu numai ca nu sunt constienti de acest lucru, ci sunt chiar incurajati, prin sisteme de retributie, sa utilizeze cardurile care le furnizeaza bancilor cele mai mari venituri. Completand aplicarea normelor antitrust, regulamentul care prevede plafonarea comisioanelor interbancare va impiedica cresterea excesiva a nivelului acestor comisioane pe toate planurile. Pentru prestatorii de servicii de plata vor fi create conditii de concurenta echitabile, noi actori vor putea sa intre pe piata si sa ofere servicii inovatoare, comerciantii cu amanuntul vor realiza economii semnificative datorita reducerii comisioanelor platite bancilor, iar consumatorii vor beneficia de aceasta situatie, datorita reducerii preturilor de vanzare cu amanuntul.”
Descarca aici comunicatul de presa al Comisiei Europene
Reactia MasterCard la comunicatul Comisiei Europene
MasterCard sustine in totalitate obiectivul Comisiei de a incuraja platile electronice sa devina mai sigure, mai competitive si sa aiba un grad mai mare de inovatie. Acest lucru va permite utilizatorilor de carduri, retailerilor si celorlalti jucatori implicati sa beneficieze la maximum de avantajele unei piete unice UE, iar MasterCard se angajeaza sa colaboreze cu Comisia pentru a indeplini acest obiectiv.
Javier Perez, Presedinte MasterCard Europe, a declarat:
„Sustinem obiectivele Comisiei, dar, in acelasi timp, suntem preocupati de faptul ca unele dintre propunerile legislative prezentate astazi, cum ar fi limitarea comisioanelor de interchange si restrictiile aplicate regulii privind acceptarea tuturor cardurilor emise sub aceeasi marca (Honour-All-Cards), nu vin in sprijinul acestor obiective. Dimpotriva, credem ca ele vor dauna si vor constitui un inconvenient pentru utilizatorii de carduri si pentru comerciantii mici si vor restrictiona concurenta si inovatia pe piata europeana de plati. Ne dorim sa lucram alaturi de Comisia Europeana, Parlamentul European si Consiliul de Ministri al UE, pe tot parcursul procesului legislativ, pentru a contribui la crearea unui cadru de reglementare ce vine in sprijinul cresterii platilor electronice, pastrand, in acelasi timp, valoarea acestora pentru utilizatorii de carduri si pentru comercianti.”
Reactia Visa Europe la Comunicatul Comisiei Europene
Peter Ayliffe, President and CEO of Visa Europe said: “Secure, efficient, competitive and innovative electronic payments are crucial to the European economy. Payment cards provide huge benefits to consumers, retailers and the economy as a whole and we are concerned that these proposals will be detrimental to the innovation that will support European economic growth. There is little evidence to support the claims that these proposals will be beneficial to consumers.
“We recognise the Commission’s steps towards creating a level playing field for all current and future payment market participants but we believe they have fallen short of this goal by largely excluding three party schemes such as American Express, non-card E-and-M-commerce payment solutions and primarily focussing on four party card systems like Visa Europe.
“Further analysis of the detail of the documents is now needed and we will continue to engage with the Commission, the European Parliament and Member States during the legislative process to ensure the interests of European consumers and all stakeholders are properly represented.”
Peter Ayliffe, President and CEO of Visa Europe said: “Secure, efficient, competitive and innovative electronic payments are crucial to the European economy. Payment cards provide huge benefits to consumers, retailers and the economy as a whole and we are concerned that these proposals will be detrimental to the innovation that will support European economic growth. There is little evidence to support the claims that these proposals will be beneficial to consumers.
“We recognise the Commission’s steps towards creating a level playing field for all current and future payment market participants but we believe they have fallen short of this goal by largely excluding three party schemes such as American Express, non-card E-and-M-commerce payment solutions and primarily focussing on four party card systems like Visa Europe.
“Further analysis of the detail of the documents is now needed and we will continue to engage with the Commission, the European Parliament and Member States during the legislative process to ensure the interests of European consumers and all stakeholders are properly represented.”
– See more at: http://www.visaeurope.com/en/newsroom/news/articles/2013/response_to_ec_proposals.aspx#sthash.LrX7ieUD.dpuf
Peter Ayliffe, President and CEO of Visa Europe said: “Secure, efficient, competitive and innovative electronic payments are crucial to the European economy. Payment cards provide huge benefits to consumers, retailers and the economy as a whole and we are concerned that these proposals will be detrimental to the innovation that will support European economic growth. There is little evidence to support the claims that these proposals will be beneficial to consumers.
“We recognise the Commission’s steps towards creating a level playing field for all current and future payment market participants but we believe they have fallen short of this goal by largely excluding three party schemes such as American Express, non-card E-and-M-commerce payment solutions and primarily focussing on four party card systems like Visa Europe.
“Further analysis of the detail of the documents is now needed and we will continue to engage with the Commission, the European Parliament and Member States during the legislative process to ensure the interests of European consumers and all stakeholders are properly represented.”
– See more at: http://www.visaeurope.com/en/newsroom/news/articles/2013/response_to_ec_proposals.aspx#sthash.LrX7ieUD.dpuf
Peter Ayliffe, President and CEO of Visa Europe said: “Secure, efficient, competitive and innovative electronic payments are crucial to the European economy. Payment cards provide huge benefits to consumers, retailers and the economy as a whole and we are concerned that these proposals will be detrimental to the innovation that will support European economic growth. There is little evidence to support the claims that these proposals will be beneficial to consumers.
“We recognise the Commission’s steps towards creating a level playing field for all current and future payment market participants but we believe they have fallen short of this goal by largely excluding three party schemes such as American Express, non-card E-and-M-commerce payment solutions and primarily focussing on four party card systems like Visa Europe.
“Further analysis of the detail of the documents is now needed and we will continue to engage with the Commission, the European Parliament and Member States during the legislative process to ensure the interests of European consumers and all stakeholders are properly represented.”
– See more at: http://www.visaeurope.com/en/newsroom/news/articles/2013/response_to_ec_proposals.aspx#sthash.LrX7ieUD.dpuf
Banking 4.0 – „how was the experience for you”
„So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”
Many more interesting quotes in the video below: