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89% of businesses forecast revenue growth with digital ID adoption, survey reveals

16 august 2024

Forrester Consulting, commissioned by Regula to conduct “The New Imperative: Digital IDs” study, underlines that most respondents, 89%, anticipate a positive impact on revenue from the adoption of digital IDs. Specifically, 32% of businesses anticipate a 20%-29% rise in revenue, 23% foresee a 10%-19% increase, 16% predict a boost of over 30%, and 18% expect up to a 10% growth.

Regula, a global developer of forensic devices and identity verification solutions, has released new findings from its study “The New Imperative: Digital IDs,” which unveil how companies worldwide assess their revenue transformation after digital ID implementation. These findings also highlight the use cases where the digital ID adoption will have the most notable effect. 

Interestingly, the Middle East seems to be more optimistic about adopting digital IDs. Only 4% of respondents in this region think that there will be no significant change in revenue, which is much lower than the global rate (10%) or the one in Europe, where 13% of businesses do not expect any change.

The most promising areas

“The New Imperative: Digital IDs” study indicates that the benefits from digital ID implementation will be most noticeable and yield the fastest results in the following top five use cases: online financial transactions (46% of respondents globally), online account opening (38%), eCommerce transactions (33%), eGovernment services (32%), remote customer onboarding (31%).

The Forrester Consulting study underlines: “These results highlight a significant expectation that digital IDs will enhance efficiency, security, and user experience in sectors where identity verification plays a crucial role in transaction security and customer trust.”

Regional Differences

For the region of North America, the most significant effect is expected to be experienced with online financial transactions (51%), online account opening (39%), remote customer onboarding (36%), and eCommerce transactions (35%). All of these rates are higher than the global. Interestingly, the region is rather more inclined to enhance age verification through digital IDs, with 21% expecting to see improvements in this use case (globally, this rate is 19%, and in the Middle East it is 14%). 

In Europe, businesses share the global expectations. Thus, 44% anticipate seeing positive changes in online financial transactions, 38% – in online account opening, 36% – in eGovernment services, 30% – in remote customer onboarding, and 29% – in mobile device access. Europe seems to be more determined to improve eGovernment services: 36% of respondents here (compared to 32% globally) expect to benefit from adopting digital IDs.

In the Middle East, the study respondents express their expectations to see improvements in online financial transactions (44%) and online account opening (35%), though these rates are slightly lower than global. More than the other regions, the Middle East expects to see positive changes in workplace access and remote work (30%, compared to 25% global and 24% in Europe and North America), and healthcare services access (26% compared to 15% global and 9% in Europe).

The Challenges With Digital ID Adoption

Transforming Transactions And Services With Digital ID

Ihar Kliashchou, Chief Technology Officer at Regula commented: “Businesses are shifting their approach to identity verification. Once merely a legal requirement or a commodity, it has now become a technological advancement and a strategic imperative. Our study shows that companies worldwide see the transformative potential of digital IDs to boost revenue, enhance security, and improve user experience. As we innovate and deliver advanced identity verification solutions, we are dedicated to helping businesses unlock these benefits and thrive in the digital era”. 

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So many people are coming here to Bucharest, people that I see and interact on linkedin and now I get the change to meet them in person. It was like being to the Football World Cup but this was the World Cup on linkedin in payments and open banking.”

Many more interesting quotes in the video below:


In 23 septembrie 2019, BNR a anuntat infiintarea unui Fintech Innovation Hub pentru a sustine inovatia in domeniul serviciilor financiare si de plata. In acest sens, care credeti ca ar trebui sa fie urmatorul pas al bancii centrale?